If you asked 100 teachers if they were on the edge of technology in education right now, how many of them would answer a "four" on a 1 to 4 scale if "four" were the highest?
I have always seen myself as being on the forefront of technology in education, but when we interviewed Brad Gustafson a few weeks ago on PrincipalCast, he started speaking to us about augmented reality. I had never heard of augmented reality let alone used it in school. (View the episode and show notes here.)
Do you think that some teachers who have a one-to-one iPad program and use Edmodo in their building believe that they are on the forefront of educational technology? Do you think that students who tweet in their classroom would give their school a "four"on that scale? What exactly is the forefront of technology in education?
What would you consider to be a "four"? More importantly, what would your students consider a "four"?