Monday, February 23, 2015

Creating a Mobile App for Your School - Yea or Nay?

Once your website is published, you want as much information at the hands of your families as possible. According to the Pew Research Center, in 2015 "nearly two-thirds of Americans are now smartphone owners, and for many these devices are a key entry point to the online world." So, do you create a mobile app or not?

In my last article, I mentioned that I utilize for my websites. They have a really great mobile site that could, for all intents and purposes, replace the need for an app. If you have other things you want to add to it, or really like the simple look of a screen with icons on it, you may want to look into building an app.
I have used iBuildApp in the past, and currently use Infinite Monkeys. I switched purely because of the pricing structure. I really liked the simplicity of iBuildApp and would highly suggest it for a starter app. As mentioned in my last article - be sure to take advantage of embedding things - it will make updating the app that much easier!

If you have more questions on app building or what it can be used for, be sure to reach out!


Image Credit: Tsahi Levent-Levi

Monday, February 2, 2015

Keeping Up Appearances...on your Website

Your website is one of the very first places people look to find more information about you. They may look to Twitter or Facebook, but chances are your website is where they will end up. Be it professional or your school it MUST be up to date! It can be daunting to try and keep it up-to-date all of the time, and that is not helpful for those who are busy already!

Here are a few tips on how to keep it up-to-date without losing your mind.

1. Make sure your website is easy to use. I have which was a little cumbersome to set up but is extremely easy to update.

2. Put information in a Google Calendar and embed it. Then you're adding it in the calendar and automatically updating the website.

3. Pictures, pictures, pictures! Of yourself, your school, whatever. People LOVE photos, and you don't have to continuously update them. Put them in a slideshow and let it go!

4. Embed, embed, embed! (See the theme?!) If you chose to use Vimeo, Youtube, Google Calendar, etc. - embed it. There is no use in updating multiple things if you don't have to.

Of course, mobile apps are also fun, but I'll cover those in another article.

What are your tips for easy website upkeep?