Wednesday, July 30, 2014

(4/30) The Forefront of Technology on a Scale of 1 to 4

If you asked 100 teachers if they were on the edge of technology in education right now, how many of them would answer a "four" on a 1 to 4 scale if "four" were the highest?

I have always seen myself as being on the forefront of technology in education, but when we interviewed Brad Gustafson a few weeks ago on PrincipalCast, he started speaking to us about augmented reality. I had never heard of augmented reality let alone used it in school.  (View the episode and show notes here.)

Do you think that some teachers who have a one-to-one iPad program and use Edmodo in their building believe that they are on the forefront of educational technology? Do you think that students who tweet in their classroom would give their school a "four"on that scale? What exactly is the forefront of technology in education?

What would you consider to be a "four"? More importantly, what would your students consider a "four"?

Tuesday, July 29, 2014

#PrincipalCast Summer Series - What is coming up? (Day 3/30)

The #PrincipalCast summer series is winding down, but it has been amazing so far!  We were fortunate enough to discuss Life After the PrincipalShip with Peter DeWitt (he also helped with some travel tips!).  We spoke with Kelly Tenkely on how she started her own school and the way she differentiates and individualizes everything.  We had the ability to speak with Daisy Dyer Duerr (special guest host Drew Frank) about opportunities for summer learning that are available.  So much information, and such wonderful and amazing people to have the option to learn from!

What do we have coming up, you ask?  AMAZINGNESS.

On August 10, we speak with Ben Gilpin after #Edcampleadership.  We are working with Chris Wejr on August 24 on the topic Preparing for the New School Year.

August 31 is a Special Mystery Guest that you DO NOT WANT TO MISS!  We will be releasing information very soon, but trust me, you want this on your calendar!

Which has been your favorite episode so far?

Don't forget to subscribe via iTunes (and leave a review if you would!): PrincipalCast (video) and PrincipalCast (audio)


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Sunday, July 27, 2014

Brainstorming and Drafts (2/30 Blogging Challenge)

I am very glad that Akevy (@Akevy613) started us on this blogging challenge after the interview with Kelly Tenkely (@Ktenkely) on PrincipalCast last week.  For some of us, the challenge is simply sitting down to write daily.  It's been a struggle for me in the past but it is something I truly need to do for myself.  I am glad this challenge started!  Though I have not spent a lot of time blogging thus far (this is my second post due to a stomach virus) I have been working on it in parts that have not yet been published.  I have been much more conscious of writing down ideas that may possibly become blog posts. 


I utilize Drafts by Agile Tortoise for my iPad and iPhone.  It is by far the best app I have found for capturing and saving information.  Once you create a draft, you can send it to OmniFocus, Evernote, Twitter, FaceBook, and many other apps.  It truly is the missing link between the iPhone/iPad and everything else in the universe ;)

What is your favorite catch-all for brainstorming?  

image credit:

Friday, July 25, 2014

When did Social Media become THE place for debate? (Blog a Day 1/30)

The other day, I posted a Common Core (CCSS) video (embedded below) by Kelly Tenkely (@ktenkely) on my Facebook profile. I know that CCSS is a hot topic for a lot of people. I understand that it is something that incites anger in some people. See the original post below. Within 5 minutes, the first response was a HUGE debate, talking about the deficiencies and mentioning that they were sure the video did not address them. It continued about the same way for the duration of the comment. Unfortunately, the debate continued within the comments.

Like I said, I understand COMPLETELY that this is a sore subject. In fact, I specifically said I wasn't looking for a debate. Only sharing information. When did Social Media become THE place for debate? Yes, it is more safe than in person, it is easier when you're typing as the pressure is much less. I just have a really hard time when I specifically ASKED for there to not be a debate, and the first response was just that.

The person who responded has had a very difficult time with the CCSS implementation in their district. They have since pulled their students and have been home schooling. I understand the difficulty. I REALLY do. I just don't understand this.

Just so this is clear: I mean this person NO ill will. I understand the difficulties behind the subject. This was just a good example of what I have seen lately. Be it comments on a news article, responses to a status, etc. It happens everywhere. I enjoy myself a good debate, but sometimes I just want to share information.

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Sunday, July 13, 2014

Why is it important to create digital media in your professional career? Reform Symposium Keynote Panel 2014

Originally posted on




On Saturday July 12, 2014, TeacherCast was featured on a Keynote Panel at the Reform Symposium.  In this videoJeff BradburyDr. Spike CookChris NesiSam Patterson, and Theresa Stager discuss how they first learned how to create digital media that led them into becoming amazing podcasters.  We wish to thank Peggy GeorgeShelly Terrell and Steve Hargadon for inviting us onto this years Reform Symposium.


Saturday, July 12, 2014

PrincipalCast Summer Series

Originally posted by Dr. Spike Cook:

This summer the Principalcast Crew will be continuing the learning process with some of education’s greatest minds. We are making a few changes to our schedule. Our Summer recording time will be 8:15 PM EST on Teachercast. Since it is the summer, we are planning to take some Sunday’s off to spend with our family.

The Principalcast Podcast is  weekly round table discussion about current topics in educational leadership. The concept was developed by Theresa Stager, who at the time, was a first year principal seeking ways to learn from others. Theresa reached out to Jessica Johnson, and they invited Spike to join. Principalcast began podcasting in September of 2013.

Each week we interview teachers, principals, superintendents, authors and presenters to learn about how to become more effective educators! We are dedicated to being the lead learners in all that we do. During the first year we had 32 episodes that are available on YouTube, Itunes, and at Teachercast.

Make sure to connect with the co-hosts Theresa Stager, Jessica Johnson, Spike Cook, and our producer, Jeff Bradbury!

Check out the schedule below and we look forward to connecting with you!

All Times 8:15 PM EST
July 6 – (Episode 33) Peter DeWitt – Life After the Principalship
July 20 – (Episode 34) Kelly Tenkley Want to start your own school?
July 27 – (Episode 35) Daisy Dyer Duerr Summer Learning Opportunities

August 10 – (Episode 36) Ben Gilpin: #Edcampleadership
August 24 – (Episode 37) Chris Wejr Preparing for the New School Year
August 31 – (Episode 38) Special Mystery Guest (s) Preparing for the New School Year Part 2

Tune into Teachercast to catch all the action. Follow us on Twitter and check out the Principalcast website

Wednesday, July 9, 2014

RSCON Panel: Revolutionize Your Classroom by Producing Mindblowing Media



Join the annual Reform Symposium Free Online Conference (RSCON) – an online global event highlighting “wow” moments in teaching and learning. RSCON5, will take place July 11th – 13th, 2014 and will feature 60+presentations, 11 keynote speakers from across the globe, panel discussions, tech/app/lesson swaps, the EdInspire Awards, and plenaries Dean Shareski and Kevin Honeycutt. Join the Future of Education community to keep updated with these events and connect with over 10,000 educators worldwide. See more information at

For those interested in hearing an AMAZING panel of Connected Educators discussing how they  are using Digital Media in their schools and classrooms, check out the TeacherCast Keynote Panel Revolutionize Your Classroom by Producing Mindblowing Media on Saturday July 12 at 3pm EST featuring Jeff Bradbury, Dr. Spike Cook, Theresa Stager, Sam Patterson, and Chris Nesi.